Friday, August 1, 2014

Challenge Accepted!

Well hello there sportsing fans!  Mucho things have happened.  I already mentioned me starting to become healthier.  To that end I agreed to be part of a challenge group my friend Kylie is the coach of.  It’s strange that I’ve never met Kylie but my husband has – we have a love of Doctor Who and Community that has bonded us sight unseen.
Anyways – the challenge is a Beach Body challenge which is why my blog is called what it is.  Kylie has not been overly enthusiastic with my humour but I found an excerpt on the Beach Body website about Shakeology being Gluten Free…and how fat Celiac disease people are extremely rare.  So I’ve decided I’m a Beach Body Unicorn because they think I’m so mythical!
20140730_193911000_iOS_thumb This is me.
PiYo (supposedly pronounced pie-yo but I prefer pee-yo) arrived on Tuesday in a blue and white box of doom, or awesomeness whatever your perspective.  It had the Shakeology 1 month supply bag and the PiYo workout DVDs inside.
So today was my first day of the challenge.  I woke up and drank my Shakeology.  I liked it!  I made it with chocolate milk because I was in a hurry and I have a bunch of individual 350ml ones so I dumped it in and ran out the door for work.
So because I knew that after work I’d have to try my first crack at PiYo I decided to make a decision on my replacement for Body Media.  It’s a device I use to keep track of my calories, steps, sleeping, exercising and eating.  I landed on Garmin’s VivoFit.  The biggest reason is that it does pretty much everything all the other trackers do but it’s waterproof so I can keep it on when I go swimming 2x a week with my mom.
And now it’s almost time to post my fatty before photo and my setup for PiYo.  First I’ll just go over a few quick things about my first work out day.  I worked up a sweat.  It is going to be a challenge for my both because I’m not fit and because I can’t get off the ground once I’m on it.  Today’s session I took note of the fact that I can modify the work outs that involve being on the floor to being against the wall at an angle until I am able to get up and down from the floor without injuring my knee.  Right now I can’t do Child Pose, Pyo Flip, The Beast or whatever the sitting thing is they covered in the first video.  This may present a problem but I’ll find other things to do or a way to do something similar in a chair until I can work up to it.  I don’t expect to be able to do floor stuff for a couple weeks to a month.  Baby steps.
20140802_000836483_iOSThis is my dojo.  I have to move our coffee table (it’s heavy!) so since Ryan and I don’t really use the living room much right now I’ll just leave everything setup like this for awhile.
*drum roll* Now here is my fug in all it’s glory with my stats.  Let’s hope I see some improvement!!

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